If you are experiencing problems with the Barclays.net software please try the following steps
after you run it select “uninstall” and then look for any file called like:
classic client
if you find any of mentioned files click on it and select next and try to uninstall
you may need to run clean up tool few time to make sure nothing left
after you do that install websigner software one more time – make sure that you are logged in to that PC as domain admin
to reinstall the software go to - https://www.corporatebankingsupport.uk.barclays/digitalchannels/digital-channels-help-centre/technical-support/esigner-software.html
select signing software download - will navigate you to https://signingsoftware.barclayscorporate.com/
input card details - click signing software download
after installation please use internet explorer to sign into Barclays.net as other browsers seen to be problematic.