BATCH FILE to add to Group Policy startup below:

Powershell.exe -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted -command "%PATH%\Remove-UserProfile.ps1" -UserName "*" -ExcludeUserName "gcs*" -InactiveDays 10 -Force

**NOTE description of the various input variables available:

Running the script must be started with elevated user rights (Run as Administrator).


   User Name to delete user profile, is possible use the '*' wildchar.

.PARAMETER ExcludeUserName

   User name to exclude, is possible use the '*' wildchar.

.PARAMETER InactiveDays

   Inactive days of the profile, this parameter is optional and specify that the profile will be deleted only if not used for the specifed days.

.PARAMETER ComputerName

   Host name or list of host names on witch delete user profile, this parameter is optional (the default value is local computer).

.PARAMETER IncludeSpecialUsers

   Include also special system service in the search, this parameter is optional (the default value is False).


   Force execution without require confirm (the default value is False).


   ./Remove-UserProfile.ps1 -UserName "LoganJ"

   Delete the profile of the user with user name equal LoganJ.


   ./Remove-UserProfile.ps1 -UserName "Logan*"

   Delete all user profiles of the user with user name begin with "Logan".


   ./Remove-UserProfile.ps1 -UserName "*" -InactiveDays 30

   Delete all user profiles inactive by 30 days.


   ./Remove-UserProfile.ps1 -UserName "*" -ExcludeUserName Admistrator

   Delete all user profiles exclude user name Administrator


   ./Remove-UserProfile.ps1 -UserName "*" -Force

   Delete all user profiles without requiring confimation

Then the contents of Remove-UserProfile.ps1 below:

[cmdletbinding(ConfirmImpact = 'High', SupportsShouldProcess=$True)]




  [string]$ExcludeUserName = [string]::Empty,

  [uint32]$InactiveDays = [uint32]::MaxValue,

  [string[]]$ComputerName = $env:computername,

  [switch]$IncludeSpecialUsers = $False,

  [switch]$Force = $False


Set-strictmode -version latest

ForEach ($computer in $ComputerName)


  $profileFounds = 0

  Try {

    $profiles = Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_UserProfile -Computer $computer -Filter "Special = '$IncludeSpecialUsers'" -EnableAllPrivileges

  } Catch {            

    Write-Warning "Failed to retreive user profiles on $ComputerName"




  ForEach ($profile in $profiles) {

    $sid = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($profile.SID)               

    $account = $sid.Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount])

    $accountDomain = $account.value.split("\")[0]           

    $accountName = $account.value.split("\")[1]

    $profilePath = $profile.LocalPath

    $loaded = $profile.Loaded

    $lastUseTime = [System.Management.ManagementDateTimeConverter]::ToDateTime($profile.LastUseTime)

    $special = $profile.Special

    #Calculation of the login date

    $lastLoginDate = $null

    If ($accountDomain.ToUpper() -eq $computer.ToUpper()) {$lastLoginDate = [datetime]([ADSI]"WinNT://$computer/$accountName").LastLogin[0]}

    #Calculation of the unused days of the profile


    If (-Not $loaded){

      If($lastLoginDate -eq $null){ $profileUnusedDays = (New-TimeSpan -Start $lastUseTime -End (Get-Date)).Days }

      Else{$profileUnusedDays = (New-TimeSpan -Start $lastLoginDate -End (Get-Date)).Days} 



    If($accountName.ToLower() -Eq $UserName.ToLower() -Or 

      ($UserName.Contains("*") -And $accountName.ToLower() -Like $UserName.ToLower())) {


      If($ExcludeUserName -ne [string]::Empty -And -Not $ExcludeUserName.Contains("*") -And ($accountName.ToLower() -eq $ExcludeUserName.ToLower())){Continue}

      If($ExcludeUserName -ne [string]::Empty -And $ExcludeUserName.Contains("*") -And ($accountName.ToLower() -Like $ExcludeUserName.ToLower())){Continue}

      If($InactiveDays -ne [uint32]::MaxValue -And $profileUnusedDays -le $InactiveDays){continue}

      $profileFounds ++

      If ($profileFounds -gt 1) {Write-Host "`n"}

      Write-Host "Start deleting profile ""$account"" on computer ""$computer"" ..." -ForegroundColor Green

      Write-Host "Account SID: $sid"

      Write-Host "Special system service user: $special"

      Write-Host "Profile Path: $profilePath"

      Write-Host "Loaded : $loaded"

      Write-Host "Last use time: $lastUseTime"

      If ($lastLoginDate -ne $null) { Write-Host "Last login: $lastLoginDate" }

      Write-Host "Profile unused days: $profileUnusedDays"

      If ($loaded) {

       Write-Warning "Cannot delete profile because is in use"



      If ($Force -Or $PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($account)) {

        Try {


          Write-Host "Profile deleted successfully" -ForegroundColor Green        

        } Catch {            

          Write-Host "Error during delete the profile" -ForegroundColor Red





  If($profileFounds -eq 0){

    Write-Warning "No profiles found on $ComputerName with Name $UserName"



   Author:  Ermanno Goletto


   Date:    07/25/2019 

   Version: 1.2