This is a method for creating Auto Replies for a multiple users, using a csv file as an import.

  1. Install exchange powershell
  2. Create a csv in the format csv format:
    • User,ExternalMessage,Internalmessage,StartDate,EndDate
      • eg;,"External reply here","internal reply here",2022-07-27,2022-09-06
  3. Open the exchange powershell application
  4. Run the following command to connect to Exchange, and login with an admin account: 
    • Connect-EXOPSSession
  5. Import the csv:
    • $csv = Import-Csv C:\gcs\oof.csv
  6. Run the following command to set the auto replies for all users in the csv:
    • Foreach ($line in $csv) {Set-MailboxAutoReplyConfiguration $line.user -AutoReplyState Scheduled -ExternalAudience All -StartTime $line.startdate -EndTime $line.enddate -ExternalMessage $line.externalmessage -InternalMessage $line.internalmessage}