Sometimes you cannot resolve a conflict between an on premise user and an existing Azure user - perhaps they were previously synced to another account or another domain.

To reset the ID perform the following in PowerShell:

  2. Get-AzureAdUser -SearchString "FIRST_NAME_HERE"
  3. Make a note of the object ID
  4. Set-AzureADUser -ObjectId OBJ_ID_HERE -ImmutableId "$null"

after this run the Sync again

If you want to force an Immutable ID from a local AD user on to a user in Azure, follow this:

  1. ldifde -f c:\gcs\export.txt -r "(userprincipalname=EMAIL_ADDRESS_HERE*)" -l "objectGuid, userprincipalname"
  2. NOTEPAD c:\gcs\export.txt
  3. Make a note of the GUID
  4. Open powershell
  6. Set-MsolUser -UserPrincipalName EMAIL_ADDRESS_HERE -ImmutableId GUID_HERE